Friday, April 1, 2011

What Am I Going to Do After School?

I have yet to decide on one thing to do after school, but I have narrowed down several choices. First, is I would like to become a pharmacist because of my interest in medicine.  Another career that I am interested in is video game developer because I have played many video games and I think it would be rather interesting to be one of the people to develop a game. Finally, I would enjoy going into law because I enjoy watching court cases on television and I understand the concept of defending a client.  I believe that I will have reached a decision by the time I graduate high school but for now I am torn between these three careers.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Tsunami

We all know that Japan has been through one of their worst tradgies since World War II.  Thousands of people have been killed or have had their homes destroyed.  Their communication cannot be used in certain areas but people can still use the internet in some places.  Their economy is not very good considering they have thousands of homes destroyed.  Thier technology was a major part of their economy and they sold their technology worldwide.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Paper Prototypes

I have been helping Marcus with the paper prototype.  We finished drawing the prototype and had to start on filming it. The most trouble we had was the winning screen, but after a few minutes a I had an idea and drew down on the paper and it turned out okay.  The film was finished so Marcus and I now have to start drawing in flash.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Game

I have had to change teams, so I am no longer with the Touchables.  I have been grouped with a lone person due to an unfortunate event with his teammate.  I have so far enjoyed what we have been working with.  We are working on a game called Pollution: Apocolypse.  We have finally finished our movie, so we should begin to work on it and I am very excited.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The snow has slowed down our progress for Globaloria, but not by very much. We have been able to keep up with our work but it is difficult for some, while others are not affected by it.  I have very little trouble catching up with my work.   I hope that there are not many more snow days otherwise people will have trouble just trying to keep up with the schedule.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Wiki Page

      I like how the person has took time to make the page the best way they could. I think that more pictures could help the page.  I think that I should add more background color to my wiki page and maybe then it would look better.  I did not find any ideas for my team's game.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Art Institute

During the presentation for the Art Institute, I was amazed at some of the classes that they offered.  They showd fashion and cooking, and even game design.  Though I am not very interested in those classes I was simply fascinated by how successful the students had become.
There are many schools all across the country that have the same results for people.  When  I think about how the students were able to do all of that because of the school I have to wonder if I go would I be able to succeed in those classes.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thinking about game design and creation

     In my free time I play video games which has helped me with certain ideas for my game to create.  Many of the ideas are based on action/strategy games which is one of the most played type of games.  Though I play many action games I am a huge fan of survival/horror games such as Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, and the Resident Evil series.  The survival/horror games are my favorite for several reasons based on the game.
     Dead Space is one of my favorite games because of the upgradeable weapons, and the darkness and sudden appearence of the monsters.  I enjoy Left 4 Dead because of how you must cooperate with your teammates to survive and how that you can play the same campaign and have different weapon and item spawn locations.  Finally, I love the Resident Evil games because of the suspense and action that seems to blend in together perfectly and the enemies on higher levels are extremely organized and intelligent.

The Mini Game Project has given me a new perspective on playing video games.  I believe that I pay more attention to the characters and even the levels.  When I play a new game now I find myself wondering how long it took to draw the characters and how much the people went through to have every single detail perfect.  Finally, I have started to appreciate how people go through so much frustration to give people a few hours of enertainment.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I have learned many things during my time with Globaloria, but the most important is that child abuse happens mostly at the child's house.  There are several forms of child abuse that follow under physical and mental abuse.  There are few cases of child abuse in organizations and schools.  Neglect, and child sexual abuse are other formas of child abuse.
An interesting fact that I learned while looking at Child Abuse is that 54% of child abuse is neglect, 22% is physical abuse, 8% is sexual abuse,  4% is emotional maltreatment, and 12% is other forms of maltreatment.  Child neglect is where you can not provide medical, food, and attention to your child/children.  In one year there was 90,000  cases of  child neglect.

Friday, September 24, 2010

So far the games I have played have been enjoyable, but some are rather difficult to understand at first.  I have tried many games, so it is not easy to pick out the best one.  I think that Ayiti: The Cost of Life was the best because it shows all of the challenges that is presented in third world countries.  It requires great focus to and strategy to win.  If anyone enjoys strategy games then this is highly recommended for you.  The game does stay on topic about the hardships and achievements of a rural family.