Monday, September 13, 2010

Alex's Wiki page

Globaloria is one of the best classes that I have ever had.  There are so many experiences to enjoy in this class.  When has there actually been a class that is fun and educational?  This is one class that I could over and over again.  I can not wait for the actual game design!
First our teacher from last year told us about this class, but we were still not prepared for some of the things we encountered in this class.  Our teacher is one of the coolest teachers ever and is very patient and helpful for us.  Whenever we have questions she answers them so no one is ever left behind.
Next there was the work on the Wiki page which was extremely fun and then there was the uploading pictures which took forever.  When everyone had tose we started on something new that no one had expected.
Last week we started designing our blog and that was extremely hard for some people because it took us quite a while. I was done with mine in the first few days but I had to edit more of the page because of not being able to put all of the things on the profile. Finally we had to wait for a while to start our blog.

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